How Google Voice Helping Me Through The Power Outage

I use Google Voice to run my cell phone’s voicemail. This has many advantages including visual voicemail, call screening, and the ability to access my voicemail from a computer or tablet. Right now, the area where I work and live has been devastated by an early winter storm. We are in the middle of what … Read more

Using Google Voice To Source Your Business

by Ryan McKeen I love Google Voice. I work in a small firm. We do very little in the way of any sort of advertising. We’re also not so great at tracking where exactly our business comes from.  I suspect we’re not alone. We’re a little old school in that respect. Our days are spent … Read more

Another Way Google Voice Can Impact Your Law Practice

by Ryan McKeen I’m having my assistant Ruth sign up for Google Voice this morning. One of Google Voice’s cool features is that it allows a user on a computer to send a text message (free of charge to the sender) to a cell phone. Presently when I’m out of the office, I have Ruth … Read more