I was in a car accident do I have to pay copays?
Car Accident Do I Have To Pay Copays
You are driving home from work. Or maybe on your way to the store. And suddenly someone drives into you. You were doing nothing wrong. The other driver wasn’t paying attention. Maybe he was on his cell phone. Maybe his mind was on going to the casino after work. Whatever the reason the result is your life has been turned upside down.

Your car is damaged. You need a rental car. You are in pain and can’t work. Suddenly doing simple things like grocery shopping are a challenge. And then there’s copays.
I just selected my health insurance plan for the coming year. The copays are high. If me or a member of my family were in a car accident the copays could be budget busting. As an attorney, it’s no surprise I’m often asked about copays. With most folks budgets stretched thin copays can present a real problem.
Why should I have to pay copays? The Connecticut car accident was not my fault.
Under Connecticut law it is the injured victim’s obligation to pay medical bills including copays. It doesn’t matter who caused the wreck. If the other driver is at fault. You remedy is to seek reimbursement from the person who hit you.
Why does the at-fault driver’s insurance company not pay my copays?
Car insurance companies will not pay “as you go” for medical treatment. Insurance adjusters will only reimburse for medical treatment after all treatment has ended. Unfortunately for those without health insurance or the ability to pay, this frequently means they will have to forego necessary medical treatment or borrow money to pay for it.
What to do about copays?
The good news is your have options. We keep a list of treaters who will take folks on a letter of protection. A letter of protection means your copays will be paid to the provider out of any settlement or verdict. We can explore the option of a loan against a potential settlement from a third party lender.
The stress of these copays is often overwhelming for an injured person. Many folks choose not to get the treatment they need because they can’t pay the copays. That’s not right.
It is important to keep the copay bills and send them to your lawyer. That way you can be assured they are paid in any settlement.
You may also be interested in knowing your Connecticut rental car rights after a car accident , what to do about your vehicle losing value in a wreck, and who pays your medical bills. You may also find my Connecticut Car accident law library of posts to be useful.
If you would like a free evaluation of your case contact CT Personal Injury Hall of Fame Finalist Attorney Ryan McKeen at 860 471 8333. I’m here to listen and help.