Connecticut Marriage Ceremony Requirements

Wedding season is upon us and so I think I’ll take a break from writing about divorce and do an entry about marriage.

After all, without marriage there would be no divorce.

What are the requirements for a valid marriage ceremony in Connecticut?

1. The physical presence of the parties before an official licensed to perform a marriage ceremony in Connecticut; and

2. A third party official must witness or officiate at a ceremony wherein the parties each presently consent to marriage. Hames v. Hames, 163 Conn. 588 (1972).

That’s all that is required by law. 

You’ll notice there is no requirement to “kiss the bride.”

 Have a great weekend.

Ryan McKeen is a trial attorney at Connecticut Trial Firm, LLC in Glastonbury, Connecticut. In 2016, he was honored by the CT Personal Injury Hall of Fame for securing one of the highest settlements in the state. He is a New Leader in the Law. ABA 100. Avvo 10. 40 under 40 for Hartford Business Journal. He has been quoted in Time Magazine, the New York Times, Hartford Courant, Wall Street Journal Law Blog and the Hartford Business Journal. He focuses his practice on Connecticut Personal Injury law. He loves what he does. Contact him or 860 471 8333

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