Over the past month, I’ve changed the site’s theme added some bells and whistles and installed programs that will improve the look and feel of this site. I’m pleased with the outcome and I hope you are to.
I have a library of nearly 200 posts on a wide variety of topics. Try the search feature in the upper right corner of the site (below the orange rss logo).
I’ve had several guest bloggers and am always looking for more. Let me know if you want to try your hand at blogging.
I’ve added programs that allow me to post videos, wrap text around pictures (see above), and improve my site in the eyes of Lord Google.
I launched “A CT MicroBlawg” which is my twitter feed. I’m not sure where I’m going with this though. I hope I can use it to say more than just “Too busy to blog today.” We’ll see where it goes and if it isn’t working I’ll stop using it. Flexibility is my mantra.
The “share this” button below the post allows you to easily email, bookmark, and share a post.
I envied blogs with that had the cool “Creative Commons License” logo so I figured out how to add one here.
In addition you’ll notice that I registered this site with “My Free Copyright.” I did this because I noticed that some commercial sites were lifting entire posts verbatim from this site. Hopefully this helps to curb that. If I’m not making money on this site than someone else shouldn’t either.
This blog is a product of my legal curiosity and nothing more. Most of the posts come from my experiences. For example, I drive through Litchfield and see scenic roads everywhere and I look for “scenic road law”. I’ve written about Connecticut seaweed law, sprinkler law, and it’s possible to legally be a skier without skiing.
Some posts are on very serious issues like what happens to civil unions in the wake of the Court’s ruling in Kerrigan.
Where else can you find posts about Connecticut foul ball liability, dignity on trial in our foreclosure courts, and a prediction on Kerrigan v. Commissioner of Public Health?
Every so often, I post about baseball. Hence, “Thoughts On Connecticut Law With A Side of Baseball.” Check out an interview with Red Sox “legend” John Trautwein.
I’ve also brought aboard the grammar police. I named one of my most loyal readers as editor of this blog: my Mom. Hopefully this will help correct some mistakes that are a product of my blogging haste. Like all staff here, my Mom is unpaid. If there is an error in a post, it’s on me and not my Mom. The buck stops with me.
Every ABA magazine I pick up tells lawyers that they need to “blawg” for marketing purposes. If I did this blog purely for marketing I would have quit by March. This is my hobby. It would be gravy if someone were to retain me on a seaweed law case.
Thank you for making me a part of your day.