What Would You Tell A Law School Class of 2011?

On May 21, 2011, I’ll again stand before a graduating law school class. This time as President of the school’s alumni association. Having sat through many a graduation speech, I will keep this one very short. Probably about 2.5 minutes. No one is there to hear me. Plus, I really like short speeches. Maybe I should tweet it and keep it to 140 characters. So I’ll ask you, my enlightened readers, what would you say to the graduating class of 2011?

Meeting 1Ls

Last night, I attended an alumni mentorship meeting at Western New England College School of Law.  An event that I last attended 8 years ago when I was a 1L. The event began with some mingling. Then we sat at tables and did “speed networked”. Every 10 minutes a group of 1Ls would sit at … Read more