Be Nice To The Person Sitting Next To You At The Bar Exam

I motioned to a proctor and asked to borrow a pen. The proctor in a very stern voice (think the teacher on the Wonder Years) “This is the bar exam. How do you expect to pass it if you didn’t even prepare well enough to pack a pen? You’re not prepared. I’m not helping you”. I’ll never forget it. My heart just about stopped. I was going to be the first student to fail the exam on the account of not packing a pen.

ABA Young Lawyers Wrong To Demand More Salary Data Upfront From Law Schools

I kinda get it but I don’t. On one hand, I love transparency. In this instance, however, I think the debate misses the point entirely. The division’s assembly adopted a multipoint policy resolution dubbed “Truth in Law School Education” urging law schools to improve post-graduate employment information provided to prospective students and ensure that information … Read more

Dear New Law Student,

by Ryan McKeen Across the country, mostly sane people are trading their beach towels for contracts books. For many this is the first week of law school.  A person enters the legal profession the moment he sets foot in orientation. Here’s the best advice I can give you: Your reputation in the legal profession starts … Read more

Advice To New Law Students

by Ryan McKeen Across the country, mostly sane people are trading their beach towels for contracts books. For many this is the first week of law school.  A person enters the legal profession the moment he sets foot in orientation. Here’s the best advice I can give you: Your reputation in the legal profession starts … Read more