Susan And The Supremes: Scheduling Edition

by Ryan McKeen

Ms. Bysiewicz is about to return to the Connecticut Supreme Court for the first time since she was in law school.

Parties have until noon today to file briefs. I’ll post them when and if I get them. It normally takes months to prepare Supreme Court briefs. These briefs will have been written in a matter of days.  Unquestionably, Attorneys Gersten and Horton have been putting in some late nights to meet today’s deadline.

Argument will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday May 18th at Connecticut’s Supreme Court in Hartford.  I hope to attend and live tweet the argument. Argument, as always, will be open to the public.


Norm Pattis responded to this post on twitter. He thinks she should argue the case herself. I say that’s a great idea.  May it please the Court….Attorney Susan Bysiewicz for the Appellee….