I love running. Running long distances strengthens the mind.
When I run outside, I’m usually without my iPod. First, it’s much safer and second, I like the quiet.
One of the most effective ways to run a long distance is to be focused on the moment. Thinking about nothing more than moving. Listening to your breath and feeling every step. Mentally, to get in a groove, I count my steps to 8. In my head is “1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-1-2-3-4….” Over and over.
Doing this is zenful. It keeps my mind from being distracted by the world. I’m try to avoid looking at my GPS watch or thinking about all that needs to be done at work.
The great challenge that I find professionally, is that the practice of law is not zenful. I can’t write a motion and just keep counting to 8 as I type. It doesn’t work. With phones, and emails, and meetings, it is hard to focus on a single task. Interruptions are constant.
Why do I write this?
Because doing nothing other than counting to 8 while running helps provide balance in my law practice. Focusing on the moment makes the mind more able to deal with distraction. Balance is crucial to success in both running and the practice of law.
What do you do to achieve balance?