Connecticut’s Scenic Roads

I’ve been doing a lot of driving through Litchfield County and it seems that every road is marked a scenic road.

Yesterday, I thought to myself: “What is a scenic road?”

I ask and the Connecticut General Statutes answer:

A “scenic road” means any state highway or portion thereof that (1) passes through agricultural land or abuts land on which is located an historic building or structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the state register of historic places, compiled pursuant to section 10-409, or (2) affords vistas of marshes, shoreline, forests with mature trees or notable geologic or other natural features.  Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 13b-31b

For anyone considering law school consider that this is what happens to you.

 One minute you’re driving down a nice road and the next minute you’re thinking about what the zoning implications are for abutters of scenic roads.

Have a great weekend.