Commenting on A Connecticut Law Blog

by Ryan McKeen

This blog has grown in readership beyond my wildest expectations. With growth comes pain.

I’ve had a very liberal comment policy on this page. More or less, people could post whatever they wanted within reason. I think discussion of law and the legal system is a good thing.

This blog is a hobby for me. There are no ads. There is no revenue. It’s a labor of love.

Recently, I have  a spat of comments that were insulting to attorneys, probate judges, and our legal system. I’ve received angry emails from a probate judge demanding that I delete comments.

I’m a busy guy. I don’t need this blog to cause aggravation in my life.

If you want to “comment bad” about lawyers, the legal system, or judges please start your own blog. This will not be tolerated on my site.  One of my visions for this site when I started was to bridge the gap between Connecticut’s legal system and the public’s perception of it.

The truth is that I believe in our system of justice. I also believe it can be improved. Our system of justice is human. It depends on the judgments of men and women. To be human is to be flawed.

I’m cool with a respectful discussion of those flaws on this site. But calling people names is a non-starter here.

Those of you who comment regularly here will still be able to do so.

This isn’t in response to any particular comment. It’s something that I’ve been thinking of doing for a long time. It comes down to me not having the time to play traffic cop on my own site.