Yes! My prayers were answered. Someone just emailed me a blog post. I can’t risk disappointing Colin McEnroe by not posting frequently enough. My posts have been and will continue to be slow this week because I am working on a review of the HTC EVO 4G for the ABA Journal.
So like lazy journalists, today I give you a press release. Plus, I like reading about lawyers doing good things and promoting lawyers who have done good things. From the CBA:
More than 1,000 people attended the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford on Monday, June 14, 2010. Attendees participated in 35 seminars on topics such as social networking and employment law, appellate practice in family law, the practice of labor and employment law in the current economy, consumer law, plea negotiations, and elder law, among others. The Annual Meeting also featured the premiere of two new publications from LawFirst Publishing, the CBA’s publishing division. Connecticut Supreme Court Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers presented remarks at the Bench-Bar Luncheon, and CBA members were honored by their peers with the presentation of annual awards at the luncheon and the Annual Dinner.
CBA President Francis J. Brady installed the 2010-2011 CBA officers at the Annual Dinner. Ralph J. Monaco of Conway Londregan Sheehan and Monaco PC in New London, became the 87th president of the Connecticut Bar Association. The other association officers for the 2010-2011 term are: President-elect Keith Bradoc Gallant, Day Pitney LLP, New Haven; Vice President Barry C. Hawkins, Shipman & Goodwin LLP, Stamford; Secretary Stephen J. Curley, Law Offices of Stephen J. Curley LLC, Stamford; Treasurer Ndidi N. Moses, United State’s Attorney’s Office, New Haven; and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Jeffrey M. Sklarz, Zeisler & Zeisler PC, Bridgeport.
University of Connecticut Men’s Basketball Coach Jim Calhoun received the Connecticut Bar Association’s 2010 Distinguished Public Service Award for his significant charitable work on behalf of various Connecticut charities. Steven D. Eppler-Epstein, Executive Director of Connecticut Legal Services, Inc., in Middletown, received the Charles J. Parker Legal Services Award; the Honorable Alexandra Davis DiPentima, Chief Judge of the Connecticut Appellate Court, Hartford, received the Henry J. Naruk Judiciary Award; Thomas J. Groark, Jr., Day Pitney LLP, Hartford, received the Edward F. Hennessey Professionalism Award; and Alice A. Bruno, Deputy Chief Clerk for the New Haven Superior Court, received the John Eldred Shields Distinguished Professional Service Award.
The recipients of the 2010 pro bono awards include Attorneys Patricia N. Blair, Mediation Consultants LLC, Wilton; Noah Eisenhandler, Law Office of Noah Eisenhandler LLC, New Haven; L. Morris Glucksman, Attorney at Law, Stamford; Amy Haberman, McCarter & English LLP, Stamford; William A. Wenck, Attorney at Law, Old Lyme; and Paralegal Jana Adams, Brown Paindiris & Scott LLP, Hartford.
Diane Alverio, of New Britain, author of Beyond the Shingle: A Resource for Public Relations and Working with the Media, and Mitchell W. Pearlman, of Glastonbury, author of Piercing the Veil of Secrecy: Lessons in the Fight for Freedom of Information, signed copies of their new publications at the Annual Meeting. The two books premiered at the Annual Meeting, and are published by LawFirst Publishing, a division of the CBA. Both books are available for purchase by calling the CBA Member Service Center at (860) 223-4400.
The Connecticut Bar Association is a membership organization serving Connecticut attorneys and the legal profession by working to advance the principles of justice, the practice of law, the image of the profession, and public understanding of the law