Cause For Optimism That CT Blue Laws Will Be Repealed in 2011

by Ryan McKeen

If you haven’t already, read OLR’s Brief Descpritions of Majoy Issues the legislature may face in 2011.

The report details issues large and small that the legislature may choose to confront in 2011. Of course, nothing in politics is certain but this list represents a pretty educated short list of legislative reforms that may come in 2011. It’s really a goldmine. My love for OLR reports continues to grow. They are the fuel in the fire that is this blog.

If you’re like me Saturday flies by way too fast. There’s lots to do.

Sunday is a day to relax. A day to have a beer while watching football. Or a day to have a glass of wine with a Sunday dinner. The problem is for people who poorly plan their drinking like me, CT liquor stores are closed on Sundays. So if I want to pick up a six pack on a Sunday, I drive past my local liquor stores and head to the land of Massachusetts where I purchase my libations. This of course deprives the State of CT of tax revenue and jobs.

Needless to say that I’m happy to read that OLR thinks the legislature may ponder proposals to repeal Sunday liquor sales. It’s long overdue.

The reason there’s optimism for Sunday liquor sales in CT is that State Senator Thomas Colapietro from Bristol lead opposition to a proposed repeal in 2009. Colapietro lost his bid for re-election in 2010.

Ryan McKeen is a trial attorney at Connecticut Trial Firm, LLC in Glastonbury, Connecticut. In 2016, he was honored by the CT Personal Injury Hall of Fame for securing one of the highest settlements in the state. He is a New Leader in the Law. ABA 100. Avvo 10. 40 under 40 for Hartford Business Journal. He has been quoted in Time Magazine, the New York Times, Hartford Courant, Wall Street Journal Law Blog and the Hartford Business Journal. He focuses his practice on Connecticut Personal Injury law. He loves what he does. Contact him or 860 471 8333

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