The Stress of Practicing Law As Documented By Fitbit

Law is a stressful profession. Lawyers take on the most severe problems of their clients. The two photos in this post show the strain of practice. They are screen shots from my fitbit. The first picture shows my heart rate at 142 beats per minute when I began my oral argument before the appellate court. I was standing still. A heart rate of 142 beats per minute is one that I acheive while running.

10 Rapid Fire Answers About Opening Your Own Law Practice

Here are 10 rapid fire answers about opening your own law practice:

1. What websites should I read? 

In no particular order: Lawyerist, Solo Practice University, Above the Law’s Small Firm Page.

2. Do I need an iPad?


3. What kind of scanner should I buy?


4. Where should I locate my office?

Near your clients or the clients you want.

5. When should I hire someone?

When doing so makes you money.

6. What should I ask my accountant?

Read more10 Rapid Fire Answers About Opening Your Own Law Practice

What I’m Working On

This is a post only my Mom will care about. And maybe that’s stretching it. First, I’m trying to reduce my caseload temporarily. I’m referring more things out. I’m very busy with what’s on my plate in terms of cases. More importantly, I’m working diligently to further improve systems and processes in the firm. I’m … Read more

10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Going Solo

Deciding to hang your shingle is tought. Here are 10 questions to ask yourself before going solo: 1. Am I better off working for someone else? Some very good lawyers benefit from the corporate structure of a firm and would be lost without it for a variety of reasons including support, money, and things being done for you

Starting Your Law Firm With Quickbooks

Starting your law firm with quickbooks online? Good. You should start your law firm with Quickbooks. Quickbooks done right.

You are asking for trouble if your books are a mess. You are risking your law license, needlessly endangering your clients, and paying the wrong amount in taxes. 

You must start your books off right. Don’t put this off. Don’t think that one day you’ll organize everything. That day will never come. Don’t assume that just because you are just starting and your transactions are few and far between that you can afford putting this task off. You can’t.  Click below to learn some valuable tips:

Read moreStarting Your Law Firm With Quickbooks

4 Things You Need To Know About Renting A Law Office

Are you thinking of renting a law office?

Deciding to go out on your own is MCKEEN LAW FIRM 014-2 weba big decision. Once you’ve made the choice to start a firm – deciding on an office is probably your second big decision.

This post doesn’t deal with finding an office. It deals with 4 things you need to know about renting your first law office. These terms may very well differ from residential terms that you are used to.

Click below for 4 things you must know:

Read more4 Things You Need To Know About Renting A Law Office

Buy This Pen For Your Law Practice

Everything matters. You must sweat the details. Right down to the smallest details. Perhaps especially the smallest detail. Your firm is going to be great. Your pens should be to. Your clients are going to use them to sign important documents. Buy this pen for your law practice.