Deciding where to locate your law office is a major decision. One that needs to be given a lot of thought. When you are opening a new firm or solo practice it is one of the major decisions you will make.
Here are 3 Key Things To Consider In Deciding Where To Locate A Law Office:
1. Clients
Rules number 1 – 99999 are: it’s all about the client. Locate your office near your clients. And locate your office in a location where your clients want to go. For example, if you’re looking to represent start ups having an office near your city’s start up incubator or create space is located is going to help you.
If you are looking to represent clients in a certain town – having an office in said town is a great idea.
2. You
If you are a state lobbyist, having an office near your State’s capitol is probably a great idea. You can walk across the street to where lobby. You can head back to your office without getting in your car.
If you run a busy criminal defense practice, having an office right across the street from your district’s court is going to save you a lot of time and aggravation in commuting to court.
I decided to locate my office near 2 highways. 4 major judicial districts in the State are a 15 minute or less ride from my office. There is great efficiency in this,
3. Amentities
As a small law office you need other businesses. My office is within walking distance to a Fed Ex office, Staples, Starbucks, and nice restraurants. My bank is a short drive away. I use many of these services on a weekly basis. Being close to them is of great value to my practice.
Ask yourself what shipping, office supply, and entertainment places are near my office. It is nice to be able to meet with a client and walk over to a nice restuarant for lunch.
Ryan McKeen is A Connecticut Attorney.