Police Adapting to Connecticut’s New Pot Law

By Hugh McQuaid for CTNewsJunkie.com

Police agencies around the state have been experiencing growing pains as they work to adapt to a new law decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana.

As of the first of the month people over 21 who are caught with less than a half-ounce of marijuana will get a $150 ticket for the first offense. The fine for possession increases on subsequent offenses and the third time, offenders will have to pay out of pocket to attend required drug education classes.

The new law changes little for minors, who will still automatically be referred to the state’s juvenile court systems. But the statutes now reflect the possession of marijuana for adults under 21 as similar to underage possession of alcohol—if they’re caught with it they can expect to lose their drivers license for two months. Read more.

Ryan McKeen is an attorney at McKeen Law, LLC.