Starting a Law Firm? Choose Action

When you are starting or running a small practice there is no shortage of decisions to make. What is my firm name? What is my url? Who is going to host my website? Should I have a logo? There is endless advice on all of these topics on the internet. My advice to you is … Read more

MileIQ An Essential App For Your Law Practice

It’s the small things that make all of the difference.

When I started my own firm, one of the things I was very bad at was keeping track of my mileage. Come tax time, my accountant would ask for my mileage log. I would then look back at my calendar, open google maps, and calculate mileage based on what was in my calendar. Things like trips to get supplies or to the bank never made my spreadsheet.

As of March 30, 2016, the current IRS mileage rate is $.54. That adds up quickly.

Starting A Law Firm? Buy More of These 3 Things

When starting a law firm, you’ll face challenges large and small. This post focuses on 3 overcoming of the smaller challenges. Spending your money in these 3 areas can save you money, time, and embarrassment. These are 3 of the smaller lessons that I’ve learned in starting my own practice. Especially when you’re starting out, its hard to figure out where to spend money.

Starting a Law Firm: Choose A Bank Near Your Office

Starting a law firm? Use a bank near your office. Opening a law firm means spending time in the bank. Initially, you will spend hours setting up the right accounts. I have an operating account and two IOLTA accounts. The bank also extends me a line of credit. Lawyers trust accounts are highly regulated and are time consuming to open.