Loss of Consortium And Car Insurance

Can a spouse recover as an independent claim under an auto policy? This post discusses the relationship between loss of consortium and car insurance. This question is a very important one. I see this issue arising more and more in my cases.  The reason has a lot to do with Connecticut’s irresponsibly low auto insurance … Read more

Lowest CT Auto Insurance Policies

One of the worst conversations that I have with someone who has been severely injured is telling them the person who harmed them has a minimum policy.  I wish lawmakers had to tell folks with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars that the most they’ll receive from the person who wronged them is $20,000. … Read more

Injured? 3 Insurance Company Dirty Tricks

When you are hurt by someone who violates safety rules – big money of insurance companies start acting against you immediately. I was having lunch with a lawyer who had just wrapped up trial in a serious truck wreck case. A truck driver wasn’t following the safety rules of the road and caused a car … Read more