8 Things To Give To Your CT Personal Injury Attorney

8 Things To Give To Your CT Personal Injury Attorney

Here are 8 Things To Give To Your CT Personal Injury Attorney. After you set up a meeting with an attorney for the first time, you will probably have a lot of questions. Like “do I have a case?” or “how long will my case take?” One question we’re asked all the time is, “What documents should I bring to our first meeting?” This post will cover the basics. Don’t worry if you don’t have all of these things. We can have you sign authorizations and get them for you.  Every personal injury case is different. And every case can require different documents. These 8 things are generally good documents to provide to your attorney as soon as possible if you have them.

CT Baseball Law: Pitchers and Catchers Edition

It’s Valentine’s Day. Otherwise known as the day pitchers and catchers report. It’s a day worthy of fireworks. Aside from the 4th of July, I can’t think of a more appropriate occasion to have a fireworks display. Spring lurks in the distance. In Connecticut,  fireworks displays by the Rock Cats have an interesting legal history.  … Read more

CT Law Did You Know? Groundhog Day Edition

The movie “Groundhog Day” starring Bill Murray has been cited in a Connecticut case. Judge Jon Blue dropped the hammer on an attorney in the case of Baden v. Dorflinger, 2004 WL 3130536.  Judge Blue was so frustrated with an attorney that his opinion began with: “The motion for summary judgment now before the court … Read more

Fighting Back In Foreclosure

I like the underdog and I like good lawyering. A few months ago, I was waiting for my case to be called on the foreclosure docket when I saw a lawyer fight back. I’m not sure of the lawyer’s name or the name of the case but whoever he is – he pushed back against the tidal … Read more

Is Richard Blumenthal Losing the War On Virtual Beer Pong?

by Ryan McKeen Yes. Last July, I wrote about Attorney General Blumenthal taking on the makers of a beer pong video game for the Nintendo Wii. In the name of protecting the children of Connecticut, Mr. Blumenthal forced the makers of the game to rename the game Pong Toss. Point Mr. Blumenthal. In 2009, the … Read more