CT Personal Injury Lawyer

Paleo For Lawyers?

I’m eleven days from lining up at the starting line of the Hartford Marathon. My training has gone well. I’m ready. I wish the race was tomorrow. Waiting is the hardest part. Waiting plays cruel tricks on a runners mind.

Two weeks ago, I realized that I wasn’t where I’d wanted to be with my training. It had nothing to do with how much I was running. I was running plenty. I used to think that if I ran 40+ miles per week, I could eat whatever I wanted.

Then a friend recommended the Paleo for Athletes diet. In a nutshell, the diet is a whole foods diet. I eat lean meats, plenty of vegetables, nuts, and fruits. No more pasta. No more pizza. No more dairy.  No grains.

Two weeks in and I feel better than ever. I have more energy. I’ve lost fat.

What’s profound is that for years I’ve been unable to smell. I’ve also had a very poor sense of taste.  Two weeks into this and my sense of smell has returned and my sense of taste has improved to the point I can now taste subtle flavors in coffee.

How does any of this relate to law?

How I feel impacts how I practice. I’ve learned that nothing impacts my running as much as my diet.  Good days at work and good days on the run start the same way – with a good breakfast.