It’s Illegal To Keep A Bear As A Pet…

…including but not limited to the black bear, grizzly bear, or brown bear. Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 26-40a.

I think the penalty for keeping a bear as a pet should be having one’s head examined but the legislature opted for a fine of not more than a thousand dollars per day and all costs associated with taking the bear from the bear’s keeper.

So if you’ve wished for a bear for Christmas you’re out of luck. Unless of course, it’s of the stuffed variety.

Judging by yesterday’s results, Bears are no match for Tom Brady.

Ryan McKeen is a trial attorney at Connecticut Trial Firm, LLC in Glastonbury, Connecticut. In 2016, he was honored by the CT Personal Injury Hall of Fame for securing one of the highest settlements in the state. He is a New Leader in the Law. ABA 100. Avvo 10. 40 under 40 for Hartford Business Journal. He has been quoted in Time Magazine, the New York Times, Hartford Courant, Wall Street Journal Law Blog and the Hartford Business Journal. He focuses his practice on Connecticut Personal Injury law. He loves what he does. Contact him or 860 471 8333

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