CT Legislative Update: A Wine Tasting Stimulus Bill

Connecticut Representative Andrew Fleischmann first came to my attention when he introduced a bill that would require movie theaters to publicize the actual start times of movies.  No more waiting through a seemingly endless string of commercials.

In these tough economic times, Connecticut residents are scrutinizing every dollar they spend. Even on important things like wine.

Representative Fleischmann is once again proposing legislation for the people.

It’s reasonable to want to taste wine before you buy a bottle. What tastes good to one person may not to another. It’s also reasonable for package store owners not to want to give away their wines. Especially, their expensive wines.

A happy medium would be to allow package store owners to charge for wine tastings and classes. 

Enter Proposed Bill No. 522 introduced by Representative Fleischmann which would allow package stores to charge for wine tastings and classes.

You may be saying that package stores can presently offer tastings at no charge and this bill is a bad thing. I’ll argue that you get what you pay for and allowing package stores to charge a fee for wine tastings may allow them to expand their offerings.

More wine tastings and classes with better wines will help expand the palate of Connecticut residents and help local package store owners.  It’s a win-win situation.