The Connecticut Bar Association has invited me to speak at a new lawyers training seminar “Building Your Brand” on January 21, 2014 at the CBA Law Center in New Britain from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
I ‘ll be serving on a panel with Eric Green and Bill Jawitz. Eric is the, Chair of the CBA’s Tax Section and a frequent speaker at the national and state/local level. Eric also manages his firm’s website, social media, and PR.
Bill Jawitz is the founder of SuccessTrackESQ and has been working exclusively with attorneys since 2002 to help them run their practices more successfully and become happier in the process. Bill is a frequent speaker at CLEs for the CBA and other organizations. He has spoken on marketing, time management, law office management, and most recently, how to create your niche.
More information to follow.