Alright, it’s actually $3 Charles but that’s beside the point.
Two Buck Chuck is made by Charles Shaw and is exclusive to Trader Joe’s.
According to Trader Joe’s website “Two Buck Chuck” has become the nation’s best selling wines. I love it. There’s always a case in my house.
Unfortunately, Lou Merloni’s home town of Framingham Massaschusetts is the closest location for Connecticut residents to purchase this nectar of the gods.
Why are Connecticut residents deprived of two buck chuck? Because in Connecticut grocery stores are only permitted to sell beer. Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 30-20.
The legislature should immediately amend section 30-20 to allow supermarkets to sell wine. Doing so would allow Trader Joe’s to stock their shelves with two buck chuck.
Come on legislature, free the grapes!