Blawging is a marketing tool but perhaps more accurately it should be part of a marketing strategy.
It is no surprise that the candidate who mastered the internet ended up being elected president. The internet is the most powerful medium and it’s becoming more powerful. At no point in human history is it easier to connect and communicate with each other.
For the under 30 demographic, if you aren’t online you don’t exist.
In terms of web traffic, this site does well or at least better than I thought possible. However, my traffic to call ratio is low. Ideally traffic should result in calls and calls should result clients. I’m working to change this.
My goal for the next year is to get more clients from clicks. In part I hope to continue to improve my content and keep upgrading this site.
It’s my assertion that one can spend all day on twitter, blogging, facebook, linked in, digg, myspace and do nothing but spend time on twitter, blogging, facebook, digg and myspace.
Now back to Barry. If you notice, Obama didn’t stop on the internet. He also had ground game.
The Obama forumla is: web presence + groundgame = votes clients.
Tomorrow, I’ll share my thoughts on ground game.