This review moved me to tears. Representing a family of a loved on who has died tragically – carries with it a heavy burden. All I’ve ever hoped is that I can bring some measure of comfort to the family by representing them with dignity, compassion and respect.
These cases take a toll on me. Reading this review of my work moved me to tears on Friday. I will carry it with me forever.
Ryan handled the wrongful death suit related to my dad’s death in a motor vehicle accident. When we were trying to decide which lawyer to go with, he was the only lawyer that took a real interest in us as people, and did the research before we even told him that we had selected him. All through the case, lasting in total almost 3 years, he catered to our family, always sensitive to our loss and our emotional needs. He was tireless in fighting to give us peace, working non-stop with the state troopers, private detectives, mechanics, accident reconstructionist, doctors, and various other experts to foresee and anticipate all eventualities and ensure a successful case. Today I am very pleased with our selection and I stand sure that my dad would have been too. Avvo.
I firmly believe that in wronful death cases it is not the death of a member of a family. It is the death of the family itself. And it is my job to understand that. That means getting out of the office and spending time at the family home, at the place the person worked, and with the family.
I am blessed to have worked with this amazing family. I am forever grateful.