The end of summer is coming for too soon. The calendar says we have another three weeks. I don’t believe the calendar. Summer ends when school starts. That’s this week.
I don’t want summer to end. Don’t get me wrong – September is the most spectacular month in Connecticut. Warm and dry air. Cool nights. Blue skies. But what follows is long nights. And days on end of the sky being the color of the sidewalk.
This summer like all summers is too short.
The kids won’t stay up late and sleep late. Mornings will be more hectic. Life more rushed.
This week I only have one court appearance. One day when I have to wear a suit.
Next week I’m in court 3 days. But summer will be over then. The kids back in school. Then it is September. A jury to be picked. A battle to be waged. Lots of work to be done.
I have used this August to recenter. I have cleaned up my diet. The pressures of practicing law in the past year have resulted in some weight gain. I keep reminding myself it took a long time to get into this mess and I can’t expect a quick out. Like my clients and cases it is one day at a time.
August has been a time to refresh and reboot. And I intend to savor as much of this week as I can. Squeezing every last drop from summer.
Life can turn on a dime. Some ends you see coming. Some you don’t. Each gives rise to its own unique sense of sadness. I’m grateful for summer just like I am grateful for every season. I’m just a little more grateful for summer. It’s when I feel most alive.