The 3rd Annual CT Blawgy Goes To Norm Pattis

Norm Pattis.

I try to read as many CT law blogs as possible. I don’t hit every post but I read many of them.

Each year I try to pick an outstanding legal blog from the Nutmeg State and award it with a CT Blawgy.  Connecticut is blessed with a number of wonderful law blogs. The one’s that I read on a regular basis are linked to on the right side of this page. Click on them. You’ll be  informed and entertained by the content you’ll find on them.

This year Norm Pattis’ blog stands out to me because of his courage. It is hard to write controversial posts with one’s name attached. In 2010, Norm did this time and time again. His posts on the Steven Hayes trial were brave. At a time when prevailing public opinion strongly favored a killing Steven Hayes, Norm wrote a series of insightful posts challenging conventional opinions.

He challenged the media, the tweeple, the death penalty, the public, the jury, the prosecution and even Dr. Petit.  At a time when all the media could seem to write was how horrible the crime was (which it was), Norm was posing larger moral questions about justice.

Norm’s opinions aren’t always easy on the eyes but neither is the subject matter which he writes so passionately about.

There are about a million articles on the net that argue that law bloggers should refrain from stating opinions because it’s bad for business.  This results in a lot of boring non-controversial legal blog posts that no one reads. I know because I write them. But I’ve also written posts that have been controversial and understand that it’s uncomfortable to have one’s neck out there.

All too often lawyers choose to be silent. Not Norm.

It’s important that lawyers familiar with the justice system speak their minds and inform the public of what they think and see. Doing so provides a valuable service to the citizens of our State.

I appreciate Norm for his willingness to take on controversial issues and write controversial posts.  For this, I give him the 2010 CT Blawgy.