Starting a Law Firm…How Much Should I Spend On Web Marketing?

Thinking of starting a law firm? How much should you spend on internet marketing? Web advertising can be very expensive. It has to be to either get in front of the audience you want to be in front of or for market saturation. There are lawyers out there in whatever area who can and will outspend you. Money talks. My advice is to build your web presence over time. It is very important.

Using A Smart Watch in Your Law Practice

Do you need a smart watch for your law practice? The first thing about a smart watch is that it is a complimentary device. It replaces nothing. It will not replace your smart phone. It’s usefulness is extremely limited. For almost every task, your phone is going to be your go-to device.

Starting A Law Firm? Do These 5 Things First

When starting a law firm, folks often ask, where do I start? The question invariably involves entity formation, bank accounts, and funding. The only way to tackle a problem like this is one step at a time. Here’s what you’re going to do.

A Post About Lunch

“Always plan your day around lunch.” – Judge Smith am I writing a post about lunch? Because, when Judge Smith told me to plan my day around lunch – I initially thought he was kidding. I’ve come to learn that he wasn’t. I met Judge Smith at lunch with my bosses.

How To Print A Single Check From Quickbooks

One of the challenges that I faced was printing a single check from QuickBooks. I buy checks, three to a page. Printing that “third” and single check was a problem.
The video below provides you with a no cost (other than a piece of paper that can be reused) solution.

Starting a Law Firm: Choose A Bank Near Your Office

Starting a law firm? Use a bank near your office. Opening a law firm means spending time in the bank. Initially, you will spend hours setting up the right accounts. I have an operating account and two IOLTA accounts. The bank also extends me a line of credit. Lawyers trust accounts are highly regulated and are time consuming to open.

Starting A Law Firm: How To Open Bank Accounts

The first time Meghan and I experienced how difficult starting a law firm is happened in a bank. Actually it happened in a bank for four and a half hours. And then in another bank for another four hours. Dealing with banks taught us the first law of managing a law firm: Everything you need takes forever.