Attorney Leo Diana Nominated To The Bench

Governor Malloy is nominating 16 attorneys to the Superior Court Bench. One of those Attorneys is Leo Diana of Manchester. Leo Diana is fantastic attorney who is going to make a fantastic judge. He will listen. He will help solve problems for those who appear before him.

Malloy Proposes Cutting 450 Judicial Branch Employees

Ouch. (<——click here for a complete breakdown of proposed layoffs) This is bad. It’s bad not only for the employees who may lose their jobs. It’s bad for the state. It’s bad for business when disputes can’t be resolved in a timely and efficient manner. Bad. Bad. Bad.

More On Connecticut’s Budget

In the post below, I posted the link to CT’s balanced budget amendment. Our constitution mandates a balanced budget. Connecticut’s fiscal year begins July 1st.  The Constitution simply requires expenditures not to exceed estimated revenue. Here’s a link to the bill signed by Governor Malloy. The legislation contemplates the legislature having to go back to … Read more

Malloy Does Not Propose Tax On Legal Services

I’m almost hesitant to write this out of fear they just forgot to do so. In yesterday’s budget address, Governor Malloy made it clear that state taxes will increase.  The remaining questions for the legislature are really the amount of the increases and where the increases will occur. Fortunately, at least under Malloy’s proposal (which … Read more