Lawyers Who Come To Hartford Hospital

Lawyers Who Come To Hartford Hospital

Why are we lawyers who come to Hartford Hospital? Because we treat folks how we want to be treated. And we know it is important to have questions answered after a serious injury. We also know cases aren’t won and lost in an office. Meeting you at Hartford Hospital allows us to begin making your case in a way we couldn’t if we just read your medical records.

Reclaiming My Life

One of the things I see my clients struggle with after an injury is accepting who they are instead of comparing themselves to who they were. This is hard. They remember when they could walk. They remember when they could play with their kids. They remember when they could do what they loved. Then things … Read more

Do I Have A Loss Of Consortium Claim?

I’ve been there. I’ve been t boned in a car wreck that wasn’t my fault. I suffered neck and back pain. Along with a bruise on my chest from the seatbelt. I was lucky. I’m grateful. It could have been worse. My losses were more than just my physical injuries. I lost the enjoyment of … Read more

Injured By A Cat. Can I Sue?

You’ve been injured by a cat. Can you sue? In high school, a classmate got cat scratch fever. One day he was healthy. The next day he was in a coma. He was in a coma for weeks. He nearly died. Fortunately, he survived. His doctors feared permanent brain damage. As the result of being … Read more

How To Calculate Pain and Suffering

We’re often asked: “How do I calculate pain and suffering?” Injured persons in Connecticut are able to recover for pain and suffering. These damages are in addition to “economic damages” things like medical bills and lost wages.  The answer is perhaps unsatisfactory to folks who like certainty. There is no formula to enable a jury … Read more

Tripped and Fell On Sidewalk Do I Need A Lawyer?

I’ve been there. Running along a sidewalk on a nice fall morning. I’m enjoying the crisp weather. Looking at what is ahead of me. And suddenly I’m on the ground. Fortunately, aside from a scrape I’m okay. I look back to see what caused my fall and I notice the sidewalk is uneven. I’m lucky. … Read more

Driver Who Caused Accident Has No Insurance

The only worse than a low insurance policy is when the person who hits you has no insurance. You are driving along. Following the rules of the road. And then BAM. Through no fault of your own your life has changed on a dime. It’s not right. What are you going to do? Your only option is likely to make a claim against your own policy. This is known as an underinsured motorist claim. Your insurance acts as if it was the person’s who hit you. Your liability limits are the amount of coverage available to you.

The Slip and Fall Consult: Winter of 2011 Edition

Prospective client: I fell on snow in a parking lot. Lawyer: When had it last snowed prior to your fall? Prospective client: Oh, it was still snowing / just finished snowing / I walked on snow that I  could see at the time of the fall. The winter of 2011 is a special defense.