Holder-Winfield To Chair Judiciary Committee?

Will CT’s Rookie of the Year Legislator, Gary Holder-Winfield be the next house chair of the legislature’s powerful judiciary committee?

Gary Holder-Winfield

When Representative Mike Lawlor and Senator Andrew McDonald left the legislature to work in the Malloy administration they created openings for the chairmanships of CT’s judiciary committee.

Holder-Winfield served on the judiciary committee during last session. He earned high praise from Lawlor for passing legislation to abolish the death penalty that was subsequently vetoed by Governor Rell.

Representative Holder-Winfield compiled an impressive record on the committee tackling issues such as diversity on the judiciary, the eyewitness ID bill, and opposition to prison based gerrymandering.

In addition, Holder-Winfield, like Mike Lawlor, was a key early supporter of Dan Malloy. At the democratic state convention, Holder-Winfield bucked New Haven’s delegation which unanimously supported Ned Lamont to support Dan Malloy. His early support of Malloy cost him a seat in the New Haven delegation to the convention.

There’s no question Holder-Winfield is on the short list of people who may chair the judiciary committee when the legislature opens session in a few weeks. In fact given his impressive legislative record, his staunch opposition to the death penalty, and his early support of Dan Malloy – one has to consider that Holder-Winfield to be a front runner to replace Lawlor.

Other possibilities below the jump

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