Can Lawyers Advertise With Yodle?
Can lawyers advertise with Yodle? The problem for lawyers is in the details. Yodle sets up a phone number for you and then records your calls. Yodle monitors the calls.
Can lawyers advertise with Yodle? The problem for lawyers is in the details. Yodle sets up a phone number for you and then records your calls. Yodle monitors the calls.
“It never ends well. It can’t end well. Don’t try to make it end well.” – Lawyer Friend to Me. The usual advice goes something like this: Professionals should give four weeks notice; do everything possible to leave on good terms; and send a joint letter to clients. That advice sounds nice. It’s the path … Read more
I like to follow rules because doing so usually makes life easier. I especially like to follow rules that impact my livelyhood. Every quarter, I have to register this blog with the grievance committee. I’m not happy about it but I don’t have the time or the desire to make an issue of it. Registering … Read more