Patrick Rodgers, The Man Who Foreclosed On A Bank, Is A Legal Superhero

“Disgruntled homeowner forecloses on bank” is a headline worthy of the Onion.

When a Philadelphia man became fed up with his bank for failing to respond to his mortgage questions, he took them to court and won. In a twist that will warm the hearts of millions with underwater loans, he moved to foreclose on Wells Fargo’s local office. ABC News.

Trying to deal with a super-sized “bank” like Wells-Fargo can be like talking to a wall. Patrick Rodgers encountered that wall and applied some Chuck Norris kung fu on Wells Fargo.

Patrick Rodgers story is my favorite legal article ever. The short version is that Wells Fargo tried to stick it to him. He stuck up for himself. Wells Fargo wouldn’t respond. Rodgers sued Wells Fargo for RESPA violations and won a small judgment because Wells Fargo didn’t appear. Rodgers then liened a building owned by Wells Fargo and then foreclosed on said lien.

For all of the pain brought on people by banks pedaling subprime mortgages and destroying the fabric of our society, Patrick Rodgers exacted a small amount of justice.

Patrick, if you read this, and you’re in the Hartford area, beers are on me. Cheers to you.