McKeen Law Firm Announces $300,000 Settlement In Car Accident Case

In September of 2013, we accepted a referral of a case from a Springfield firm. The case involved a rear end car accident in the HOV Lane of 91 south.

The defendants initially denied liability and only admitted it weeks before trial.

Our client suffered injuries to her neck and back.

Prior to suit, the defendants offered $50,000 to settle the claim.

When we were brought aboard, we first listened to our client’s story. We began to understand the impact that the accident had on her life. The secret to case preparation is no secret at all. It all begins and ends with listening.

We referred her to one of the nation’s leading experts on life care plans in New York City. Our expert was able to develop and quantify a plan of care for our client. We then hired an economist to provide a present cash value of our client’s future medical expenses.

The defense hired an expert who essentially called our client a liar. We blew that nonsense out of the water.  We polarized and exposed that hooey for what it was.

We settled the claim after a lengthy mediation. Other lawyers told us we wouldn’t get more than $100,000 on the claim without a surgery or broken bone. We didn’t listen to those folks.

Ultimately we resolved the case for $300,000.

Injured? We can help. Contact us for a no charge consultation. We’re the lawyers who listen. (860) 471-8333.

Ryan McKeen is an attorney at McKeen Law, LLC.