Looking For Guest Bloggers

by Ryan McKeen

If you’re interested in blogging about Connecticut law on this site, please send me an email at rmckeen at lttnlaw.com. Whether you’re a law student,  lawyer, legal professional or an interested citizen, I’d love to hear from you. No technical experience required. You can email me what you want to post and I’ll take care of getting it online.

Things are in the process of changing a bit around here. I’m bringing a veteran editor on board to tighten up some of the posts. I’d also like to establish a regular posting schedule and debut new posts every morning. What I’m looking to do is take this site to the next level. This site has been pretty much a one-man show. Frankly, it’s hard to keep up with a busy practice.

Before you email me, please be advised that everyone at A Connecticut Law Blog — from me to my dog Brady who frequently contributes her likeness to the site — gets paid the same amount: nothing.

There are no ads on this site. It does not generate revenue. What I’m willing to offer you is a link below your post to your firm’s site.  What you’ll get is some exposure. This site generates a decent amount of traffic for what it is. Google will pick up your posts. Posts that amount to ads for you will not be posted. I exercise full editorial control over what gets posted.

If you’re a law student this could be a way to gain some exposure, show your chops, and add a line to your resume.

Anyhow, it’s an exciting time around here.  Please drop me a line if you’re interested. I look forward to working with you whether it’s for one post or having you aboard as a regular contributor.