Legal Quotes Of The Week: Transgender Edition

All from the House Debate on the Transgender Discrimination Bill:

Transgender Pride Flag

“Today, I feel like a woman,” said House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, imagining himself as a man wanting to use a ladies room. “If you don’t let me, I’m going to sue you. CT Mirror.

John Hetherington, R-New Canaan, criticized what he considered the spirit of the anti-discrimination bill: “I feel therefore I am.” “What we are doing is creating a class of persons who are able to define themselves,” he said. New London Day

State Rep. Vincent Candelora, R-North Branford, described another bathroom scenario, this one involving his 6-year-old daughter. “Male genitalia,” he said, “If we pass this bill today, that’s what my daughter will be exposed to when we go out to a restaurant and she needs to use the bathroom, and I can’t go in there with her. New London Day.

“Tonight’s debate on adding gender identity & expression to state’s non-discrimination laws being hijacked by ugly fear-mongering.”  #sick Rep. Matt Lesser (twitter).