CT Personal Injury Lawyer

Inspired By Meeting With WNEU 1L Students

Last week, I had the privilege of attending a networking event with 1Ls at WNEU Law and I walked away feeling inspired.

The topic of conversation that always comes up in speaking with 1Ls is what kind of law do they want to practice.  This very topic dominated the function.  I find this very interesting.

In all of the conversations I’ve had with lawyers, I don’t think I’ve ever been in a conversation the centered around “what kind of law do you want to practice?” It’s always, I’m a _______________(insert type of law) lawyer.

Since leaving law school, I haven’t given much thought to “what kind of law” that I want to practice. I’m too busy practicing law to think about what kind of law that I want to practice.

This event left me thinking: “What kind of law do I want to practice?” I’m not sure I have an answer to that but I’m inspired by the question.

What kind of law do you want to practice?