Facebook Messenger Very Useful For Personal Communication

Companies like Apple and RIM have developed proprietary software that allows users of their devices to send messages (essentially text messages) to other users of their devices without incurring fees for text messaging.

This works if everyone you know has either an iPhone or a Blackberry.

I think closed messaging systems aren’t long for this world. Facebook has released “Messenger for Mobile“. It works on iPhones, Android phones, and BlackBerry devices. I can send a message via the messenger for mobile app from my Galaxy S2 and it can push a notification onto my brother’s iPhone as if I had sent him a text message.

I’ve installed Facebook Messenger for my Galaxy S2 and it notifies me of a message the same way I’m notified of a text message. As an added plus, I can access my messages on my facebook account without using my cell phone.

I’m in the middle of what is forecast to be an 8 day outage. Almost all of my friends and family are on facebook. My cell service has been out and communicating with family and friends has been difficult. Though, like many people, I’ve been able to find wifi access. Facebook messenger has become my preferred means of contacting friends and family.

The app is free and works well on my Galaxy S2. The app threads conversations so it’s easy to keep track of what’s being said. It’s also easy to message groups. If you haven’t downloaded the app, you may want to give it a shot. It’s not the first app of this kind but what distinguishes it from others of its kind is that so many people are already on Facebook.

Read more on the app here. It is available in your phone’s app store/market.

Ryan McKeen is an attorney at McKeen Law, LLC.