Did My Lawyer Commit Dram Shop Notice Malpractice?

Did my lawyer commit dram shop notice malpractice?

Far too many folks are injured as a result of drunk drivers. Many of these drivers are visibily intoxicated when they are being served alchohol at a bar. In that case a person may be able to recover money for harms and losses against both the bar and the driver. This is known as a dram shop claim. 

A person must  to file a notice of a dram shop claim within 120 days of the date of the injury.

Notice must be given within a 180 days if the person is dead or incapacitated.

Failing to file notice means a claim cannot be made against a dram shop for damages.

If notice is properly filed then a person has one year from the date of an injury to bring a claim.

In an initial consultation, an attorney must make inquiry into whether or not a dram shop claim exists. If an attorney fails to do so or does and fails to file notice to a bar and you are harmed as a result, you are likely the victim of legal malpractice. Your lawyer may have cost you up to $250,000 in recovery (the statutory limit on a dram shop claim).

In order to protect your rights, you should immediately speak with a Connecticut Legal Malpractice attorney.

Know your dram shop law legal malpractice rights.

At McKeen Law Firm, LLC we are presently handling such a case. We can help. Call Attorney Ryan McKeen at (860) 471-8333 for a free consultation.

Ryan McKeen is an attorney at McKeen Law, LLC.