Changes to Connecticut’s Civil Summons Form

Somebody or somebodies are hard at work at the Judicial Branch.

I’m pleased to report that logic and common sense are ruling the day.

A number of court forms have recently been updated and improved.

For starters, the civil summons form underwent a complete and much need makeover.

My favorite change is that this language was added to the form:

The following statement has been added: “The Return Date is not a hearing date.

You do not have to come to court on the Return Date unless you receive a separate notice telling you to come to court.”

I’ve come across numerous people who receive a civil summons and take the return date off from work thinking they have to be in court.

Little things make a big difference.

I credit Chief Justice Rogers for setting the tone that exactly these kinds of improvements can and do make a difference for all those involved with Connecticut’s courts.