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Obstructed Views: Boston Red Sox Fenway Park Seating Guide, Chart, and Map

by Ryan McKeen

It’s fall. The signs are everywhere. The leaves are turning, the days are cooler, and the Red Sox just sent out an email allowing fans to register for the opportunity to purchase playoff tickets.

There’s no two ways about it. It’s going to be the Red Sox and Yankees in the ALCS this year. I say bring it.

View From My Seats for Game 1 of the 2007 World Series. Copyright by Ryan C. McKeen

Before I buy my tickets I’m going to check out the best Red Sox seating chart on the internet – Precise Seating.

In January I wrote a post on the best Red Sox seating chart on the net and I linked to Precise Seating.com.  When I write a post, I never know what’s going to hit. That post hit. Everyday several hundred users click through my site to find Precise Seating.

A few weeks back I was contacted by the founder of Precise Seating, Frank Greco. He thanked me for the exposure. I asked him if he wanted to do an interview for the site and he agreed.

What is Precise Seating?

Precise Seating is the most detailed seating guide for Fenway Park. You can select almost any seat in the stadium and see a 3D view from that seat. In addition, you can see a 2D map of the stadium with any obstructions projected on the map. It also has quite a few additional details about the seat such as an actual picture of the seat, the distance to the field, distance to home plate, walkway advisory problems, home run distances, and other features. Precise Seating was created to provide accurate useful information about an individual seat which is easily understood, giving you a complete perspective from that seat and helping you feel confident when purchasing tickets.

Is it just 3D images?

Many times I’m asked, well isn’t it just 3D images and don’t the Red Sox already have pictures with their seating guide? The Red Sox do provide pictures from each section in the park but these pictures do not give details on each individual seat. The pictures are often taken from the best viewpoint in that section and do not provide needed obstruction information. Precise Seating provides a 3D image from each seat but it goes way beyond just a 3D image. The 2D map is actually much more useful in understanding exactly how much of the field is visible, and there are many details about the seat that a picture just can’t provide. These details give a much fuller perspective of the experience from that seat.

We’ve attempted to provide everything that a fan might want to know. A simple thing like the seat facing center field instead of home plate could cause considerable neck strain and bad experience.

What’s the big deal about obstructions?

Fenway Park probably has one of the highest numbers of obstructed seats of any major league stadium. There are many seats in the stadium that are positioned behind poles or other obstructions causing you to miss important parts of the game. You may be behind a pole and unable to see a major portion of the infield. One scenario that always concerns me is the dad who wants to bring his 12 year old son to his first Red Sox game and has spent over $300 for a pair of tickets only to sit in a seat with a bad view. Once while gathering information for this site, I took just such a picture of a dad and his family sitting behind a pole. They were at the stadium early and the expression of disappointment on the dad’s face is still clear in my memory.

Why did you put this together?

After many trips to Fenway and sitting in less than desirable seats, I had the feeling that it might be possible to generate a seating guide that would truly provide the type of information that fans are always seeking.

Are you going to do other stadiums?

We would like to continue with other major league stadiums. Wrigley Field would likely be the next candidate because of the large number of poles blocking views. Other modern stadiums could also be on the list. We feel that even without the obstructions of an older stadium, people just like to know exactly where they are sitting and as many details as possible.


Thanks Frank. I’m happy to be able to share this great site with fellow Red Sox fans. Be sure to check out Precise Seating.com