A Connecticut Law Blog Turns 2

by Ryan McKeen

I’m pretty proud of this. On Christmas Eve, two years ago, this blog went live. Most law blogs die quick deaths and with good reason: maintaining a blog is hardwork.

The mission of this blog has always been to bring the law to the people. My audience isn’t just law professors or lawyers it’s you. Whoever you are.

For me, this site is a labor of love. In fact, most of the things I write about have nothing to do with my practice. Believe it or not, I’ve never taken on a turkey law case. I spend most of my day writing technical briefs, pleadings, and memos about all sorts of things. I seize this space to write about cat attacks and judges who despise Halloween.

As a lawyer, this site broadens my perspective on Connecticut law. It keeps me informed, entertained, and engaged. Writing about illegal pets brings me a sense of joy. It reaffirms my love for the law.

The truth is that this blog doesn’t feel like work for me. If it did, it would soon cease to exist.

I’ve had more traffic on this site than I ever thought possible. This is my 384th post and there are 393 approved comments.

This blog has helped me work with the Statewide Grievance Committee to change a legal ethics rule. As a result of this blog, I’ve been interviewed by the CT Law Tribune and ABA Journal. I’m presently working on an article for the ABA journal. I’ve met some great people.

In sum, this blog has been a significant net plus for me. I hope it’s been at least a little net plus for you.

Thank you for reading. I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.