Lawyers Who Come To Hartford Hospital

Lawyers Who Come To Hartford Hospital

Why are we lawyers who come to Hartford Hospital? Because we treat folks how we want to be treated. And we know it is important to have questions answered after a serious injury. We also know cases aren’t won and lost in an office. Meeting you at Hartford Hospital allows us to begin making your case in a way we couldn’t if we just read your medical records.

Route 2 Car Accident Attorney

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Need a Route 2 car accident attorney?

Route 2 is home to beautiful rolling hills and winding roads. We love Route 2. It takes us from the city to the beach.

Need a Route 2 Car Accident Attorney? There are dangerous driving conditions and serious car accidents including on Route 2. You have drivers coming home drunk from the casino. Narrow two lane roads without shoulders. And plenty of cars driving way too fast. Learn your rights here. Get answers to common questions. Empower yourself.

Reclaiming My Life Week 2

One of the things I love seeing in my practice is the comeback. Every day I’m inspired by my clients. My clients who fight to get their lives back after injury. It is not easy. This is my second in a series of posts about reclaiming my life and part of my identity as a … Read more

Putting Yourself First

If you are injured, put yourself first. You are driving along. You are doing the right thing. Another driver chooses not to pay attention. Suddenly your life has changed. The change can range from anything to a nuisance if you are fortunate to life altering if you are not. I know when I was in … Read more

SaneBox Review: Great For Lawyers

A 154,000 emails. That is how many emails I have received in 3 years. If you are like me, you struggle with email.  On one hand email is very convenient. When I first started practicing in 2005, I didn’t have an email account. All correspondence was by mail. I would receive a letter. Think about … Read more

Using to Better Serve Clients

Juggling my schedule is difficult. In this short week, I have a panel meeting, 3 pretrials, a status conference, an evidentiary hearing, multiple client meetings, and we start jury selection. There’s a telephone conference with my accountant. And another one with a vendor. Those are just my professional obligations. On the personal side there is … Read more

Audible – The Best Buy In Attorney CLE

It’s a beautiful summer day. I’m on a walk. The weather is perfect. As I make my way down by the river, I’m listening to an audio book. I’m learning from Gerry Spence about how to make a closing argument. Spence is one of the greatest trial lawyers ever. He teaches a college in Wyoming … Read more